What do a crack addict and a dedicated student of the Quran have in common…? 

In a word: 


Wouldn’t it make achieving your Quran goals a whole lot easier if you felt as addicted to the Quran as a drug addict is to their drug of choice… or a phone addict is to their Social Media feed…?

When you understand the psychological keys that give your brain that ‘dopamine drip’ that keeps you coming back, you can use it to achieve any goal you set your mind to – whether it’s going to the gym, or memorizing the Quran. 

Before long, you’ll find yourself entering what I call the ‘Habitual Flow State’ and finding time for the Quran will never be an issue again. 

In the following powerful video training, you’ll discover what these psychological keys are, and how they can help you to effortlessly get into the habitual flow state every day, so that you become addicted to the Quran… making it inevitable that you’ll achieve all your Quran goals.

Here’s where to get your hit: