How to Access the Power of the Quran to Transform Your Life

Dear Spiritual Seeker,

When you access the transformational power of the Quran you can.

  • Permanently eliminate stress from its very source
  • Return to your natural state of inner-peace, ease and well being
  • Clear your mind from the internal negative self-talk that robs you of happiness
  • Enjoy fulfilling, enlightened relationships, that you don’t need to ‘work on’ to maintain
  • Free yourself from the fear of failure, success, death and loss.
  • Enjoy an abundance of free time
  • Feel great about the way you look
  • Develop rituals of excellence
  • Live with a permanent sense of presence
  • Have a clear and focused mind
  • Wake up with unshakable confidence
  • And much, much more…

But, before you read any further, I want to ask you a few important questions, and I want you to reflect deeply on the answers.

Have you ever…

Tried praying, meditating or doing ‘dhikr’ and noticed that your thoughts wonder off in all random directions?
Forced yourself to pray regularly, in the way your religion teaches, but not really felt the benefit of it much of the time?
Fasted during Ramadan and felt very hungry and thirsty, but not experienced a massive difference in your level of consciousness?
Read the Quran and other scriptures but not understood it in a way that makes perfect sense to you?
Beat yourself up in your own mind for not fasting enough, praying enough, working out enough, working hard enough, supporting your family enough, or just not being good enough?
Been repelled from religion or going to the mosque or other religious organizations due to self-righteous, arrogant, judgmental people you’ve come across who are everything you hope not to become?
Experienced the loss of those you love the most and on some level haven’t been able to get over it?
Been dumped, heart-broken or hurt by someone you never thought would ever treat you that way?
Achieved great success in business or in your professional life – that other people look up to you for – but deep down feel a little lost because even though you’ve ‘made it’, you still don’t have you the joy you thought those successes would give you…?
Or maybe you’re like one of my subscribers who wrote to me asking why she felt depressed and disconnected from Allah, even after the years of dedication and study it took her to completely memorize the Quran.

It doesn’t matter which of these situations rings true for you – if you answered ‘yes’ to even one of those questions, or if your intuition is telling you you’re still in the right place, trust it and keep reading.

But before we explore what causes all of the above spiritual distresses, and before you discover the cure, you might be wondering…

Who the heck are you to teach anyone about
‘spiritual growth’…?

That’s a great question – and it’s one that prevented me from teaching what you’re about to learn on this website, for many years. But, it’s my students that keep me going – especially when I read the feedback from these brilliant people…

Click “Play” to listen to Robina’s experience…

“I Have Changed – I’m More Aware, Can Deal With Challenging People & Circumstances Better & Overall Much Happier & More Well-Rounded…”


I came across the Instant Ihsan course by sheer accident which I know now this wasn’t the case. Allah guided me towards it. I was going through a very rough patch with the ill health of my mother. The course taught me a few techniques to deal with this. I have changed as a person. No longer am I bogged down with ‘What if this happens’ to dealing with actual events. I have become more aware of people and circumstances around me. I no longer have a questionable idea but a master plan which I am currently working on. Overall I am much happier and my sister has commented on this also. I thought I was a well rounded individual before participating on this course, but having done the course it proved how wrong I was. Mamoon a massive massive Jazakha’Allahu khairon for opening my eyes to the way of Instant Ihsan. May Allah reward you abundantly.

Zahra Baharun (Instant Ihsan Student)

“I’m More Present-Minded, Comfortable & Conscious of Allah…”

The “Instant Ihsan” program by the grace of Allah enables me to be more present-minded, comfortable, self-disciplined, conscious of Allah & everything else promised, and… it enables me to not be affected negatively by my or others’ circumstances, it has increase my personal wisdom, and empowered me to learn & act more effectively, & gain wisdom from the following hadith: “Amazing is the affair of the believer, verily all of his affairs are good and this is for no one except the believer. If something of good/happiness befalls him he is grateful and that is good for him. If something of harm befalls him he is patient and that is good for him.

Feyaz Narine (Instant Ihsan Student)


“What if the Quran Itself Became Your Personal Coach…?”


For the last five years, I’ve been known as the ‘Quran Coach’, because of my commitment to help people connect with Allah through the Quran. When I started, I wanted to help people achieve their Quran goals, like learning Arabic & memorizing the Quran. The problem is most people would tell me “I really want to do it… I just don’t have the time!”

At first, I bought into their story, and created ways to ‘shortcut’ the years it takes to achieve most Quran goals. But, in time I learned that their real problem was never ‘time’. Their real problem was that despite all that studying, they still didn’t feel deeply connected with Allah. I know this, because underneath it all… that was my problem too.

Now I can see that it was never about helping people ‘achieve their Quran goals’. It’s about connecting with the Quran on such a personal level, that the Quran itself gives you spiritual insights or ‘Timeless Wisdom’ that completely transforms your life. And how do you do that…?

The solution, as I discovered over a long process of self-discovery, can be summarized in this famous ancient Arab saying…

“The one who knows himself, knows his Lord.”

And that’s really what “Instant Ihsan” is all about: understanding yourself by understanding the nature of thought – and its role in preventing you from connecting with Allah. Not all thought blocks your connection with Allah. Only 1 very specific type of thought does. A type of thought that I call “ego-thought”, which is explained in great detail in the very first module of the “Instant Ihsan” program.


In fact, understanding and effortlessly releasing this type of thought is the main focus of the entire 7 Module program. And over the last few years on this spiritual path, exploring the nature of thought, I’ve been blessed with a companion – a scripture that I believe was revealed by Allah, that has given me 7 ways (and counting…) of how to understand and effortlessly release my own ‘ego-thought’.

I call each of these 7 ways the “7 Core Quran Insights” – and I share them in depth in the Instant Ihsan program.

If you’re curious, here’s an peek into the kind of material we cover in the Instant Ihsan Program.

Introducing... "Instant Ihsan: 7 Spiritual Insights to Access the Power of the Quran to Transform Your Life"

"The True Nature of the Human Nafs..."

Quran Insight 1:

Haqq – Explore The True Nature of Thought & Uncover Your Ultimate Source of Happiness

Have you ever…

  • Been afraid of what other people might think of you?
  • Tried pleasing everyone else and ended up feeling miserable yourself?
  • Tried reading the Quran and praying, but after a while they felt like more of a chore than a life-enhancing gift?

In Module 1, you will…

  • The #1, most important “Law Of The Mind” and “Spiritual Truth”, that will effortlessly release the inner resistance that’s been blocking you from accessing the transformational power of the Quran.
  • Why connecting with the Quran is your ‘highest leverage point’ and how it can be more powerful and curative than any type of therapy or coaching.
  • The cure for all spiritual diseases of the heart, and all mental and emotional un-ease – with this you’ll tap into a deep inner power that lets you quickly bounce back from even the most trying of circumstances.

Elevate Your Consciousness & Deepen Your Connection with Allah

Quran Insight 2:

Taqwa – Elevate Your Consciousness & Deepen Your Connection With Allah…

  • Is there a disconnect between Islamic classes and study circles and your life?
  • Do you find more benefit in reading Personal Growth material than in Islam and the Quran itself?
  • Maybe you’ve been turning to other sources of self-development instead of the Quran because they seem to be immediately applicable
  • NOTE: it’s great to study personal growth material from any source. The Prophet (pbuh) taught us: ‘Wisdom is the lost treasure of the believer’
  • The Quran is the best personal development manual ever. Most people don’t know how to access it in a way that actually impacts their life.

In Module 2, you will…

  • How deepening your taqwa loosens the grip of your nafs (the only thing blocking you from experiencing the spiritual highs of ihsan & iman) AND eliminates the only 2 barriers to you fulfilling your human potential
  • The connection between the mind & the soul, that brings together the best of western psychology & Islamic spirituality in a deeply profound, yet simple way (suddenly every act of worship will enhance the quality of your life).
  • 21 traps of the nafs that you need to be aware of. You won’t need to remember these traps all the time, just insightfully understanding them once is sufficient to raise your personal level of taqwa, so you can be free from them

Allah's Love & Secrets to Access the Full Potential of Your True Self

Quran Insight 3

Rahma – Discover The Depth Of Allah’s Love For You & The Secrets To Accessing The Full Potential Of Your Highest Self…

  • Has someone in your family ever tried to force you to behave a certain way that feels unnatural to you (dress a certain way; don’t dress a certain way; go to medical school; don’t go to university; marry this person not that person etc.)?
  • Have you ever been abused?
  • Have you ever been bullied at work, school or home?

In Module 3, you will…

  • How you can be deeply loving and respectful toward your family without ever letting them mentally, emotionally or physically abuse you on any level, ever.
  • The biggest mistake almost all Muslim parents make in the West, when trying to raise their children as “good Muslims”, that causes them to grow insecure and lack confidence in their faith (just having *this* insight un-does any “damage” your parents might have unwittingly done, and prevents you from doing the same with your children)
  • Imagine finally living a life filled with love and freedom, where your inner strength comes from your connection with Allah, and you’re so in touch with your “Higher Self”, that people can’t help but respect you and look up to you

How to Live in a Permanent State of Inner Peace…

Quran Insight 4:

Islam – How To Live In A Permanent State Of Inner Peace…

  • Do you ever get angry, upset or disappointed at people, your own family… (or even at yourself sometimes)…?
  • It doesn’t matter what you say, even telling them what Islam says doesn’t change them. You think: if they would only behave THIS way or THAT way, then everything would be okay, they’d be safe & successful (hint: trying to change them this way doesn’t work! Especially in long run!). Maybe you fear for them in this life & the Next.
  • Do you seem to be a magnet to people who repeat the same negative patterns over & over again around you?
  • Do you seem to repeat the same mistakes & sins over and over?

In Module 4, you will…

  • The truth about how to inspire change in other people and more importantly how you can embody Islam… literally – go from anger/ upset to Inner Peace
  • How to become immune to the poisonous, hurtful words and actions of other people, like water off a duck’s back.
  • How to attract the relationships and circumstances you really want into your life
  • The “Inner Salam System” only “technique” you’ll ever need to clear out all the anger, sadness, hurt, guilt & fear from your heart (This also works *extremely* well for mastering desires like hunger & sex)

Inspired Action, Effortless Productivity & How to Uncover Your Highest Purpose

Quran Insight 5:

Iman – Inspired Action, Effortless Productivity & Uncovering Your Highest Ibada…

  • Do you ever struggle with productivity and prayer?
  • Do you know you have a higher calling, but aren’t quite sure what it is?
  • Do you ever just resign to the idea that “you’re just lazy”, and give up on important projects before completing them?
  • Do you try to pray and read the Quran but can’t quite make it consistent…?

In Module 5, you will…

  • The simple Quranic formula for ultimate success that works 100% of the time – no exceptions
  • How to tap into your deepest source of inspiration and motivation so you become effortlessly productive
  • The only way to uncover your “highest ibada” – that special purpose and mission Allah has only given you the potential to fulfill, that all other forms of worship are designed to internally prepare you for

Inspired Action, Effortless Productivity & How to Uncover Your Highest Purpose

Quran Insight 6:

Ihsan – Live With Spiritual Excellence In The Presence Of Allah

  • Do you ever pray quickly, just to get to the end?
  • Do you ever miss prayers because you ‘forget’ or unconsciously don’t think it’s that important because it doesn’t really seem to do anything for you?
  • Do you pray, but spend most of that time actually thinking about other things…?
  • Do you think “if only I knew Arabic, then I’d concentrate in every prayer…?”

In Module 6, you will…

  • What the Quran & Sunnah say about “ihsan”, and 3 ways you can tap into that state any time you want (we’ll actually do this together during the class)
  • The “7 Rituals Of Excellence” all Muslims are encouraged to do, and a small tweak you can make so that from now on, when you approach them it inculcates the state of ihsan within you, so “spiritual excellence” becomes your new way of life
  • How to be deeply present during your salah and let it dramatically improve the quality of your life, and the results you get in the few hours that follow, so you LOVE to pray, and are able to see how it improves the quality of your personal, family and working life.

Timeless Wisdom - Access Your God-Given Inner-Guidance System

Quran Insight 7:

Hikma – Accessing Your God-Given Inner Guidance System…

  • Have you ever heard Islamic scholars or teachers say things that don’t seem to make any sense FOR YOU?
  • And, have you ever caught yourself wondering: which scholars should I follow? Who is right? Why do they all contradict each other? And who is a REAL scholar, anyway?

In Module 7, you will…

  • Access your God-given “inner-guidance system”, that always points you in the right direction, and keeps you on the right path even in the face of big dilemmas
  • Discover the Quran – based paradigm that will completely shift your perspective on where wisdom comes from, and the system that works 100% of the time to let you know which of the dozens of “Islamic opinions” to follow, so you can always get in touch with your own wisdom.
  • Imagine the level of confidence you’ll have in yourself when you know for certain that you’re on the right path in life – the path that’s best for you
  • Bring together all the other elements of the course, and set you up to access the magnificence of the Quran for yourself so you can see its implications in your own life from now on

“We’ve Had Transformations (Plural!) In Our Household – I Feel Peaceful And Joyful Most of the Time… And An Ease & Calmness In Dealing With Difficulties & Tensions…”


Before I started the programme, I was quite often having stressful days as a single mum of a demanding toddler but was feeling close to Allah swt and praying regularly. I had watched my innocent child appear to be suffering from the pain of his parents split. He had started lashing out, was defiant, intensely clingy and generally acting out of character.

Alhamdulillah since getting into the course, we have had transformations plural in our household. I feel peaceful and joyful most of the time. Yes occasionally, I have lost that joy and got caught in old patterns but have always come back to the realisation that nothing/no-one outside of myself has ever had the power to control my feelings. I actually am an island! This has given me an ease in facing difficulties and a calmness in dealing with tensions; together those two things make me feel humbled, blessed and grateful to Allah swt.

The wonderful news is that this profound change has been almost contagious in that my son is so much happier mashallah than he was before I started the programme. My mind has been cleared of nafs thought and I was able to see clearly that I could help my son by just focusing love and attention on him, instead of worrying myself silly or reeling from the perceived unfairness of what we had been through.

I realised that I had been expecting my son to be damaged by our situation and had been feeling intense sadness for him. When I was able to let this go and become more aware of my own power to fulfil what my son needs, his behaviour started to change. Alhamdulillah I have my happy little boy back and there is no greater gift that anyone could have given me than that ))

Through you, I know that Allah swt has answered my prayers and deeply blessed me and my son with this new understanding. May Allah swt reward you for offering this program.

I had been in two minds about doing the program because as a busy single mum, I had very limited time to invest into it and given my situation, was uncertain that it would offer me much benefit… but the results of gaining this understanding, just in this short time, have been priceless. Long may they continue inshallah!

S. Q. Instant Ihsan Student

Your Spiritual Transformation – Guaranteed.

If at the end of 30 days of being in this program you’re not completely satisfied just let me know and I’ll refund your investment in full. So, for an investment today of just £497, you’ll receive:

  • All Seven Modules of “Instant Ihsan: How To Access The Power of the Quran To Transform Your Life” (Value £497)